Marketing for your beauty salon; cross-selling

> Marketing for your beauty salon; cross-selling


You have probably heard of cross-selling, as it is renowned as being an excellent marketing strategy used for increasing sales.


Cross-selling is based on selling complementary products or services that you provide at your clinic to the same customer who has just had a treatment at your clinic. It is a strategy used to aid the development of your business, and increase profitability.

In order for this strategy to work, we would like to provide you with some awesome tips on how to use cross-selling successfully at your clinic or beauty salon. Cross-selling is not based on providing your clients with more products, but knowing exactly what your clients' needs are, and providing them with the products they want in order to keep them satisfied.

It is possible to apply this strategy to a clinic of any size, be it a large city clinic or a clinic situated in a small town.

A good example of cross-selling would be to recommend a moisturising cream to your client to use for some time after having undergone a peeling treatment at your clinic.

Why use cross-selling?

Cross-selling is a great way to increase sales, and, at the same time, to satisfy the needs of your clients by offering them a product that will help them get the most out of the treatment they have previously received at your clinic.

Increase sales

The increase in sales due to using cross-selling at your beauty salon or clinic, which on average will probably range between 15 and 30% depending on the product or service you choose to sell, will lead to an increase in profitability.

Optimize your expenses

There are two ways of optimizing costs related to cross-selling. The first is the way in which you manage the prices of your products, as they should always be lower for a client who buys many of your aesthetic products, in comparison with the price of a product for a client who just buys one of your products. The second way of optimizing sales costs is to be sure that the price of your product is always lower for a regular client than for a new client.

Create Value

Creating value is another advantage of using cross-selling. A beauty salon which offers its clients a great number of services or products will in turn fulfill more of its clients' needs, and, therefore, generate greater value for its customers.

Building customer loyalty

Building customer loyalty is crucial for all beauty salons and clinics. Cross-selling contributes greatly to building customer loyalty because it encourages your clients to buy more and more products and services from your clinic or beauty salon. In this way, as long as your customers are satisfied with your products and services, they will become dependent on them and in turn will keep on buying them.

Cross-selling helps clients to become more efficient users, because in the end they will only use one beauty salon or clinic to provide them with all the products and services they need.

Know what your clients want and spark the interest of potential clients.

It's clear that the more products or services you sell to your clients, will give you a better indication of what products and services your clients are looking for, and, at the same time, will spark the interest of potential clients.


To sum up, we would like to mention that it is not enough applying the cross-selling strategy alone, as it is necessary to combine it with other marketing strategies in order to win new clients at your beauty salon or clinic. The combination of various marketing strategies is essential in order to guarantee that your beauty salon receives its nourishment from perfect synergies; something which is a trait of top beauty salons. If you choose to work with a marketing and management software, you can configure it to notify you about a product related to other products and services you sell.

We hope you found this article interesting. As you know, we are always looking for the best marketing strategies for you to use at your clinic or beauty salon, so, if you wish, we can help you improve the management of your beauty salon. We would like to invite you to visit our web page and ask us any questions you may have.

At FLOWww, we have the best tools to help you manage your aesthetic business, so why not visit our web page, no commitment required. For us, both you and your beauty salon are our top priority. 

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