7 tips on how to successfully launch a product

> 7 tips on how to successfully launch a product


First and foremost, you need to understand that no product sells by itself. Every company, however successful it may be, or, however wonderful a reputation it may have, has to make an effort to sell its products and services. Not even Apple considers launching a product without doing any marketing beforehand.

Secondly, you need to be aware that there is not just one set way to launch a product. On the contrary! There are many ways, but you need to find the best way to launch each of your products because every product is unique. However, if you are planning to launch a product or service for your clients, and want it to be successful, these 7 tips will come in very handy:


How can I successfully launch a product?


1. Don't overlook the first phase; the pre-launch

If you want to launch a new product or treatment, you'll need to carefully plan each stage of your launch. The pre-launch phase is extremely important because it's during this phase when you need to capture new leads in order to build up your database before you launch your product or service. On many occasions, the launch is what everyone concentrates on, and the pre-launch tends to get forgotten about.

Start by making your own list of subscribers and building up your own database. Don't ever buy a ready-made list of subscribers or database, because these contacts won't know that they have been subscribed to your newsletter, so they will think it's spam.

If you don't have any database, search for platforms or companies and become a member. In this way, they will give you access to their list of contacts, so you can perform a marketing action together (a membership model). These companies provide you with contacts and you then offer them something in return.

2. Plan your launch

Once you are clear about where and when you are going to launch your product, you need to think about how you are going to orchestrate your strategies. One month before the launch, you should start carefully planning in order to create expectations; create great content marketing and add value.

  • Publish articles on related blogs.
  • Launch an email campaign. If you aren't familiar with any management tools to use to send your newsletters, we recommend MailChimp. This is a user-friendly platform that's easy to use and provides you with a selection of many predesigned templates which allow you to adapt the content so you can add your personal touch. Furthermore, you can use Mailchimp for free for up to 2000 subscribers, so it's perfect for starting out with. To find out more about how to use newsletters to build customer loyalty, click on this link.
  • Use social networks (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) Don't forget that offline actions also work though! At least two weeks before the launch (ideally one month before), you should begin planning it, and once it is complete, you're set to rock! When you have a multitude of  emails and content, is when you are ready to launch.

3. Think about the message 

The message is fundamental. Think carefully about the message you want to project and how you are going to do it. In order to do this, you need to be clear about what your products' strengths are, and how they will help you excel. Your product may have 20 good qualities, nevertheless, people don't have the ability to assimilate that much information all at once. For this reason, you need to select a few of these qualities that you feel are the most important.

4. Create a necessity

You need to think about diffusion; give your potential clients a taste of what to expect when they attend your clinic, just like the effect film trailers have on their viewers. You need to make your potential clients believe that visiting your clinic and trying your products and services is a necessity.

5. Be creative

Try to be as creative as possible and create some anticipation; a buzz. The idea is to spark your potential clients' interests, make them curious and get them talking.

6. Consult the price of the product with experts

The price of your products may be what is stopping your customers from buying them. Price your products fairly and make sure your launch contains promotions and discounts. In order to plan this correctly, you need to go over your accounts thoroughly in relation to the cost of production and earnings.

7. What happens if a launch fails

If your launch isn't successful, it may not be that you haven't put all your effort into it, as there are often other factors that influence this. So, if you don't get your desired results, find alternative ways to attain them. For example, you could give your clients the option of financing their treatments.

We hope these tips have been helpful. Happy launching!